Your community and volunteers increasingly want to message on WhatsApp, and this may be the only channel on which they are contactable, but this can be very difficult for your teams to manage both operationally and from a data compliance perspective.
ClientWindow has been designed to allow charities, outreach teams and community organisations to use business email and Microsoft Teams to seamlessly chat with those external individuals who use WhatsApp, in a secure and compliant manner.
ClientWindow enables organisations to engage more effectively with their volunteers, clients, communities and partners on the communications channels they prefer. Your outreach can be conducted from a centralised platform and not personal devices, whilst still meeting the needs of your community who want to use WhatsApp.
By centralising community WhatsApp conversations in their core business systems, organisations can put robust processes in place for data management.
Chat messaging has become an increasingly popular method of communication in recent years with platforms like WhatsApp being used by billions of people around the world. In this guide we will explore the benefits of implementing WhatsApp as a means to communicate with your clients.